Thursday, November 13, 2014

She didn't shudder at my paw

I have this weird obsession with Beauty & The Beast that teeters on the edge of fun childhood nostalgia and creepy cat lady clinging to storybook romance. About five times a day I pretend my multiple personality disorder doesn't get me down and I channel my inner Peabo Bryson AND Celine Dion as I really squeeze out the notes with a certainty only the guy last night on the train who thought he was Jon Legend has.

When I was pretty young, my mom caved in and let me watch B&TB when she was able to draw the parallels between it and the Gospel - Jesus laying down his life for us, Belle laying down her life for her father. I didn't really give a crap what the parallels were at the time (mostly because I didn't even know what parallel meant until yesterday), I was just overwhelmed at how much stuff I NEEDed all of the sudden: the Belle dress, Belle perfume, the backpack, the embarrassing time my friend's dad took us to Disney On Ice and I demanded a gorgeous flashlight (please see me for more details on WHY this was the absolute coolest flashlight in all the land. If approached, I will almost immediately text you a photo of it).

I've mostly gotten over the hype of the B&TB merch, but the music will never leave the huge part of my heart that remains impressed at powerhouse voices and melodies. Disney doesn't make them like they used to, kids.

There's a song in the movie called "Something There" that I especially love because it reminds me of my husband and I. No, I don't think of myself as a beauty and him a beast - the song just talks about realizing there's more to the person across the table from you than you realized in the beginning. Angel says he knew the first day he saw me he would marry me - he even told his friend and later, groomsman, the same thing. Apparently I wasn't aware because it took me a while to fall for him. We're so different - and that scared me. I had excuses for months on why we could never work.

But here is where this soundtrack really gets me... The credits song. Peabo. Celine. Me. Gang's all here! One of the verses is, "bittersweet and strange, finding you can change... Learning you were wrong."

I thank God every day - literally every day that I was wrong about Angel. But then I also thank God for giving us the grace to be willing to adapt. I'm wrong so much - but only half of the time to I admit it. I need pushback in that area and many others and God supplied my husband - a 24-7 pushback monitor that keeps me in check.

I knew a girl who said her relationships never work out because she always ends up feeling like she has to change. Don't get me wrong - there's a fine line between changing for someone and changing because of someone (I've written about that before too). But I think a relationship isn't what it could/should be void of change in both parties.

I like who I'm becoming - but I wouldn't be who I am without a little pushback accompanied by a lot of grace and love from the guy I married and all the people we choose to surround ourselves with.

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