Thursday, October 02, 2014

What I'm doing next week.

Next Friday, my best friend and I will become husband and wife. We got engaged at the end of December and these last nine months have been the most intense of my life. We've experienced some incredible highs and some awful lows. We've worked hard to get on the same page of so many issues and succeeded in making huge strides in many areas.

In so many ways, our lives pre-each other prepared us for togetherness. In a lot of other ways, it's been hard to endure the collision of cultures, habits, and preferences. We are a work in progress.

For those of you close with us, you know this last season in specific has been especially challenging - which has little to do with getting married and a lot to do with being gone all summer, not finding an apartment in any efficient way, and packing + moving which is the bane of my existence.

If you're a woman who thinks someday she'll be married, a lot of things are preparing you for that role. Your relationships and loyalty, trustworthiness and spending habits, etc... Your routines pre-man are being formed in all your decision making.

There are some things I feel pretty confident in: domesticity. There are other things I need to grow in majorly: patience. There are some things I know really bless Angel and I am learning how to put those things before my own things.

And then, most importantly, there is my relationship with God. Which is not only something I know Angel values deeply, but something I've worked for years to make the core of who I am and who I'm growing to be.

It's hard to keep prized a visible relationship with an invisible God. He remains - amidst our hope that dips and dives and our need for him that never wavers. He's our lifeline when babies have undiagnosed big heads, don't know where we'll live next, or we break up with the love of our lives - but is an attractive background in our seasons of plenty.

Yet again I'm struck by this concept of balance and my inability to maintain it. Give me a pre-lidded cup and an ICEE machine with blue raspberry and white cherry and I'll rock my own world with the perfect mixture. Sorry, life & relationships - you're not an ICEE machine.

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